The Many Health Benefits of Popcorn 

Believe it or not, popcorn is one of the healthiest foods available to us. Following are just a few of the nutritional benefits you'll get from eating popcorn.

    * Popcorn is a whole grain fiber and is roughage, meaning that it helps to keep you regular

    * Popcorn has more iron than eggs, roast beef, codfish or milk. So, eating a few handfuls of popcorn can be just as good as drinking a glass of milk or having a roast beef sandwich, especially if you are trying to increase your protein intake.

    * Popcorn provides your body with calcium, not as much as you'd get from milk, but still since many of us are trying to increase our calcium intake, and it's good to know that popcorn has this important healthy item.

    * Popcorn is high in vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin and niacin, as well as, all of the B Complex vitamins. All of which the body needs since our bodies do not produce vitamins on their own, and we have to supply it with them.

    * Popcorn provides protein. Since we all know that increasing our intake of protein is one way to help us build muscle then knowing that eating popcorn can help us with that is a great thing.

    * Popcorn is low in calories. One cup of unbuttered popcorn is only 25 to 55 calories per cup making it a dieter's dream!

We now carry Kernel Season’s Popcorn Seasonings.  With many flavors to choose from, your popcorn will never taste the same!

• Made with premium cheeses and spices
• Not “salts” but natural blends
• Contains 56 percent less sodium than other popcorn seasonings